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Opening apartment, office, garage and safe doors

All of the people have been in a situation when they can’t get into their apartment. There are many reasonsfor that, most common of which are key loss and lock failure. Opening the lock in such situation requiresprofessional approach.

The solution to this problem would be contacting us. We provide lock opening service for over 15 years nowand have a perfect reputation. This means that you can trust us. We understand how urgent lock openingcan be for our customers. That is why our staff is ready to help you 24/7.

If the door is expensive, rough interference is not acceptable. Who wants to have a front door full ofscratches and other emergency unlocking signs? That is why we do lock openings extremely carefully. Afterwe install a new lock nothing will remind you of the recent incident you had. In order to avoid unpleasantsurprises, lock opening can be carried out only after presenting certain documentation. We ask for apassport or other document confirming you are a tenant or a landlord of the property. If the lock openingservice is provided for government authorities, document confirming the right to unlock the door would becourt sentence.

Opening car locks

In our daily lives there are plenty of crazy situations that bring a lot of trouble and stress. A lot of people have faced losing the key from their apartment or lock failure. Same situation can easily happen with a vehicle door. The thing is that all modern car alarms use defense systems that turn on automatically and shut the door after the door is closed, which makes it impossible to reenter the vehicle in a usual way. To get into the car, you must turn of the blocking system. This can be done only with the alarm system remote. It is really easy when the remote is in your hands. But what about the situation when it is not around?

We can sometimes leave the car forgetting the car key inside. After we close the door, alarm system automatically shuts it. This is the case when you need an emergency lock opening carried out. In order to make it carefully, you need to use professional locksmith’s service.

Car unlocking service

Due to increasing number of incidents like that, there are a lot of companies which provide lock opening services. It is not really important why you can’t get into the car. It can be lock failure, broken central lock, key loss and so on. Our company specializes on opening car locks at any time of the day and can help you in any situation. Again, before carrying out lock opening procedure, you must provide documents confirming your ownership of the vehicle.

Our company provides a range of services related to systems programming staff immobilizers - residence of chips, chip keys when you add in the car, the immobilizer system maintenance, programming, immobilizer system, after the loss  keys with emmobilaiser 


We specialize on making rare, complex keys, those that require high precision while manufacturing
We take key production very seriously – all copies are made using equipment that is recommended or produced by the manufacturer of the original key

Apart from that, when making a MUL-T-LOCK key duplicate (using either the original key or a code card) a special machine KC-5 is used. This machine can cut keys for any MUL-T-Lock lock models, including MT5, MT5+INTERACTIVE.This manufacturing process eliminates the possibility of fault and making unauthorized copies of MUL-T-LOCK keys.

When a customer needs a key copy for a safe and it is important to make a copy of a complicated key (Mauer, FAS, STUV, CaWi) we use a CNC milling machine PRIMA LASER (photo3) or combined machine tool DELTA PROFESSIONAL (OPERA IV analog)

We also make Mottura model keys: CHAMPION C28, C30, C31, C38, C48, which are used for MY KEY and SERRABLOCCA lock systems. Making a CISA AP3, RS3 key for us would be an easy task. What is more, all key copies we produce come with a lifetime warranty.

The company workshop provides a full range of services for copying keys of any complexity. The workshop is equipped with high-precision equipment that allows us to make a key or a duplicate quickly and efficiently.

We employ only highly qualified professionals. Our specialists will quickly make a copy of the key, , recode or make a duplicate key for the intercom. It will take less than five minutes to make KREST KEY,KEY FOR YOUR GARAGE AND OTHER TYPES,  or a car key. We also make VERTICAL AND ALL DIFFICULT keys, as well as keys to the safes.

In our workshop you can order and make copies of keys for cars, motorcycles, buses, scooters, construction machinery, boats, airplanes, helicopters, submarines and ships.

Having our own wholesale warehouse allows us to make key copies for all types of locks at the market at the moment, including the most modern and sophisticated.

Key making of any difficulty


What is an immobilizer and how it works?

Foreign-made cars are produced with an immobilizer since around 1995

Most systems consist of
1. Transponder - radio frequency identification chip (the chip), which is located inside the ignition key.
2. Pickup coil in the form of a plastic ring on the ignition lock.
3. Electronic unit (immo) intended for processing and storing the recorded key codes.
4. The engine control unit (ECU).

VAG-type cars (such as Audi, Volkswagen, Seat, and Skoda) usually combine an immobilizer with the dashboard. Only cars with the earlier year of release are the exception. They have a separate immobilizer box (immobox) sized of a pack of cigarettes, and is placed near the ignition lock. In the cars of other manufacturers are likely to either combine the functions of IMMO with on-board computer or divide the functions into two parts: There is a signal amplifier on the ignition, and the code processing is carried out either in the engine control unit or by a separate IMMO.

The work of the immobilizer is organized as follows: After the ignition immobilizer, gives a high frequency signal to the coil with a chip key for a short time and waits for the response code from the same coil. This signal is the channel for power and communication with the chip in the key. In some systems, IMMO transmits a unique code and the request, letting the key chip that is read "native" car (almost all European and Japanese cars since 2000). In response, the chip sends a personal code. The accepted code is compared with the codes stored in the memory of the immobilizer, and if it matches, then the connection is established between the immobilizer and engine control unit. The connection exists in information or by CAN-LINE OR CAN SHINE ,and it looks like quastion answer. ECU sends IMMO a 4-byte random number, IMMO encrypts these bytes in a certain way, and gives the 4-byte response back to motor block. If everything goes right, the engine is allowed to start. If there is a failure on any stage, the engine starts and stalls immediately. Gasoline pump work is interrupted, the same way impulses on the fuel system and spark plugs